What film making techniques can you identify and what is their effect? -Sound overlapping dialogue no music -Acting naturalistic -Dialogue harsh, used swearing and slang not always heard -Editing Fast paced - sense of chaos, unrest -Use of camera (compositing), Use of close ups, this shows deprivation/poverty as they were filming their feet going down council flat stairs. amplifies sense of dysfunction seperation. No establishing shot - sense of turbulence and unrest Handheld camera work, natural light - makes it seem more realistic ANSWER One way Arnold uses form of social realism is by the use of camera compositing. Arnold uses hand held and close up shots to show the daily life of the main character, Zoe, to the audience. For example, the first shot is a close up shot of Zoe in her bare feet walking down the stairs of a council flat. From this shot the audience can already gather that herself and her family are living in poverty. Hand held shots are...