Question ' The director is the most important creative influence on the production and content of a film '. How far do you agree with this statement when applied to both of your chosen films ? Films chosen: -Casablanca -Apocalypse now Answer: I somewhat agree with this statement as Directors are seen as the lead role off-camera when a movie is in production. Michael Curtz (Director of Casablanca) and Francis Ford Coppola (Director of Appocolypse now) are the main reasons why both of the films recieved the attention and criticism it deserved. An introduction to this point is the era of film making, 'new hollywood'. Links to our point as one of the most controversial films out of the 2 chosen was made in the middle of this era; Apocalypse Now (1979). In fact this film was released 1 year before 'New Hollywood' started to end, however it was in production for 3 years and it was set to release on Coppola's 38th birthday, April 7 1977. Compared to this, ...