Connect explores how imagination and emotion binds in with the real life, one major factor that shows this is when the camera shows all of the civilians faces on the bus by uing close hand held shots. When the camera zooms in on their faces they look emotionless, almost as if they are disjointed from reality, from the real world. This could be because they are imagining certain things and feeeling emotion on the inside. When the girl puts in her headphones as the music fades in she also zones out and starts imagining things primarily being shown that as soon as she zones out all of a sudden the businessman assassinates the old lady to take her seat, but then the girl zones back in so the music is stopped and the scenery is back to normal.
Question - evaluate how successfully your film develops one of the key narratives listed? The film 'portal' develops a narrative by the elements of mystery, character development and the twist it holds at the end of the film. Throughout the film the surroundings and actions of the main character is used to create a narrative where there is a huge twist at the end of the film this twist occurs when their is a reversal of fortune for the main character where as we start to find out that she is in a simulation as the character begins to think she has escaped the 'prison' but in fact she is trapped in a simulation, however certain audiences may have realised this when during the film you can see a barcode on her neck and the fact that the main weapon, the portal gun is seen to just appear out of no where. This narrative is effective because it gives the audience a sense of confusion as this twist adds on top of the mystery of that fact why the woman was in the room overall.
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